p_gatto < 5 %

PhD (Statistics)


Inverse Problems in PDF Determinations. DOI: 10.22323/1.430.0098. Lattice2022 proceedings on the PDF fit.

Unpublished articles and reports

Bayesian Inference with Gaussian Processes for the Determination of Parton Distribution Functions. arXiv: 2404.07573.

Bayesian Parton Distribution Functions fit with Gaussian processes. gppdf.pdf. Work in progress on analyzing the Proton composition with a model based on Gaussian processes. Explains the theory behind lsqfitgp.

The periodic zeta covariance function for Gaussian process regression. arXiv: 2208.02596. A covariance function for periodic processes and spheres, somewhat similar to Matérn.

Seminars and presentations

BART on GPU. Slides: seminario-2024-04-18.pdf. I present my new BART Python package, bartz. It's up to 200x faster than the state of the art on GPU.

BART as a Gaussian process. Slides: seminario-2023-10-26.pdf. At the UT Austin SDS BART reading group. This contains final empirical results missing in the 2023-02-02 slides, and is aimed at a BART specific audience.

BART as a Gaussian process. Poster at the ABS 2023.

BART as a Gaussian process. Poster at the EUROCIM 2023.

BART as a Gaussian process. Slides: seminario-2023-02-02.pdf. I present my work in progress on the connection between BART and its GP limit.

Studio e calcolo di funzioni di covarianza per la regressione con i processi Gaussiani. Slides: seminario-2022-09-23.pdf. Progetto di tesi del dottorato. Contiene una spiegazione di come calcolare la funzione di covarianza del BART (è già anche implementata in lsqfitgp).

A new programming interface for Gaussian process regression. Slides: seminario-2022-04-08.pdf. I introduce lsqfitgp, with also a minimal explanation of Gaussian processes.

BART - Bayesian Additive Regression Trees. With Giovanni Poli. Slides: seminario-2022-03-18.pdf. Introduction to BART, a nonparametric regression method, with an unusual characterization of the prior distribution.

Other stuff

My personal notes on the book “Causal Inference for Statistics, Social, and Biomedical Sciences”, by Imbens & Rubin (2015), including errata (there are no official errata at the time of writing): Opinions, Doubts & corrections, Typos.

Master's degree (Particle Physics)


Slides of my thesis seminar: SlidesPetrillo.pdf. Text source and computer code are on github: https://github.com/Gattocrucco/thesis, https://github.com/Gattocrucco/sipmfilter.

Generazione automatica di scale di colore percettivamente uniformi.

Personal stuff

Bias correction for nonlinear least squares.

Summer school

In summer 2018 I was at the Stanford Linear Accelerator (SLAC) to do some measurements on a cryogenic coaxial cable for CDMS. Final report: report-cdms-petrillo.pdf. I also wrote a small Python module to solve simple electrostatic problems with dielectrics.

Analisi statistica dei dati

Ho scritto in LaTeX gli appunti di Analisi statistica (link github) per l'anno accademico 2017–2018, il primo anno in cui il corso è tenuto da Punzi anziché Del Prete.

Laurea triennale (fisica)


Slides della mia tesi: presentazione_petrillo.pdf


Nella sezione software c'è lab.py che contiene delle funzioni per gli script in python (fit, formattazione e altro).

Geometria 2

Io e altri 7 compagni abbiamo scritto in LaTeX gli appunti del corso di Geometria 2 per l'anno 2015–2016. Il codice è su github (c'è anche un PDF già compilato). Gli appunti sono completi ma rifiniti solo fino a 1/3 del programma.